So photoshop is the greatest digital arts/image software ever invented, right? I mean, there's nothing you cant do with the thing. As far as I know, the whole of the first Toy Story movie was made using the thing (I freely admit that my imagination may have made that up based on some single kernel of info, but I couldn't be bothered to check).
Riddle me this then: Why, when now even the common man (with at least R3000 in his pocket) has access to some of the best image software ever, do the everyday printing facilities of the world seem to still struggle pirinting something as simple as a gradient? Easily one of the most useful and versatile and simple tools available on any imaging software and there isn't a single place in Cape Town that can manage a decent gradient for less than R40 a page. There's gotta be some secret spot that has so far alluded me because everyday I see a multitude of prints in a cacophony of colours gleaming happily at me from walls and between the pages of various publications and yet I can't seem to get a print where my beautiful green gradient doesn't turn vomit yellow at some crucial point.
I watched a documentary last night in which a woman believed that she was suffering bad karma from a past life. Makes me think...
Turned out okay in the end though. Printed and done (severeal times over).
Just in case you some how missed it, this was a campaign (mock again) for Garbie bio-degradable garbage bags. I didn't initially intend for it to turn into an illustrated work, but when I settled on the final idea it seemed to make the most sense. I considered the potential obstacles involved when trying to art-direct two sea turtles and thought better of it.
A big-up to Gary Larson, who's influence was pointed out to me and which is undeniable, even if I didn't realise it myself at first.