I focus on tactile illustration - doing as much as possible with a pen, pencil and paper and staving off any digital intervention until it is absolutely necessary. I prefer the unique quality of a hand rendered illustration, and I invest in it far more value than, say, a vector rendered image or logo. My feeling is, if you can do it by hand, then do it. It's the best way to breath life into an illustration, and it's that energetic quality that separates hand rendered illustration from generic, digital renderings.
Recently, i've been working a lot with combining illustration and photography - taking a photograph and drawing (excuse the pun) inspiration from what might otherwise be a banal and uninteresting scene.
Every image has the potential to be more than it is, and i like to try and draw out that potential and weave it into something creative.
I also like to work with a strong concept that i can try and convey through my work and I like to think that i succeed at this, to greater or lesser effect. However, should worse come to worse, i'm not adverse to a pretty picture.
This picture is a good example of some of my new work. The title is Missed You (a street scene) and deals with ideas like miscommunication and the lost narrative that exists in the spaces between people. It's the first black and white image i've completed.

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